Driskill Hotel

Driskill Hotel
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My Stay..

All these ghosts stories from the Driskill really peaked my interest.  After researching and digging up some local Texas phenomenon, I decided to take a short drive down to Austin and stay at the luxurious Driskill Hotel.  Not really expecting to "see or feel" anything creepy, I was a little weired out at times.  I believe it was all the ghost stories I'd read before coming down that had me on edge.  The decor is very old world with old pictures of ladies in expensive hats and jewelry, and the one of Col. Driskill on the stairs could certainly help influence one's thought that his spirit may still be around.  At check-out I asked the woman at the front desk if she had personally experienced anything odd or spooky.  She politely smiled and said no, however she mentioned that almost all of the housekeeping staff did believe that the hotel housed spirits.  She handed me a print out briefly describing some of the lingering past guests for my reading pleasure.  I was gladly on my way with a little stronger belief that the old hotel was more than just a comfy bed and fancy fixtures.

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