Driskill Hotel

Driskill Hotel
front view


Famous Hauntings

Colonel Driskill is the most common presence at the hotel but others make themselves known too.  One of the most famous hauntings is a small girl who was a Texas Senator's daughter who was visiting the hotel in 1887.  She fell to her death while chasing a bouncing ball down the grand staircase.  Supposedly her death and her haunting are the first recorded for the hotel.  Staff and guests alike have reported numerous times over the years hearing noises of "the child bouncing the ball down the steps and giggling" (mysteriesoftheunexplainedblog).  Several celebrities have stayed at the upscale Driskill over the years including singer, Annie Lennox.  She reported an unseen visitor in her locked room before a show.  Annie had not decided on what to wear and laid out two dresses before showering.  After her shower she entered her room to find only one dress on the bed and the other hung neatly in her closet.  The creepiest part of this account is that "her room was locked, and she was the only one with the key" (hauntedtexas).

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